Welcome to the Sermons page. Here you can listen to a selection of sermons preached at Zoar Chapel.
There is an archive of older sermons available, please feel free to contact the Interim minister for more information.

Sermons From Zoar
From The Archive
To access sermons previously preached at Zoar Chapel Bradford please follow the link below.
Zoar Archive please click here
Heritage Sermons
Welcome to Heritage Sermons. Heritage Sermons is an online repository for the ministry of Strict Baptist ministers. The aim is to preserve the many old recordings of Strict Baptist ministers and disseminate them to another generation.
Most of these sermons were preached at Strict Baptist Chapels in the South of England and the Midlands and none at Zoar Chapel Bradford.
To visit heritagesermons.org click here
Reading and Prayer

Zoar Particular Baptist Chapel Bradford
(Established 1843)